Tuesday 7 May 2013

Life of pain:):

Pain, As we all are very familiar with this word and threats in hearing this word also. All of us, daily get connect with pain; the only difference is some in low quantity others in higher volume, but it is definite to get contact with him relationship. Whether we want this or not this is not based on our wish. Decision is taken by pain itself whether he will give his blessings to you or take more test of your patience.
Pain has the power to hurt all living things, Man and animals. And in living things also there are some parts which got blessing from god to be relieved from pain. This is hair and nails of human and animals. Hairs and nails not have the sensitivities of pain. They received the blessing from god that when they have been cut they don't have the feeling of pain (conditions apply).                                                                                                                
This story is of pain. Here pain tells and explains his duties and work he has to do and while performing his duties what situations he has to pass. Pain and his journey was explained by himself. 
Pain tells that god gave him such a difficult task for doing. His task is not easy to perform, while performing his work he also suffers from deep pain. Pain told there two types of person from which I have to dealt with. One is feared and weak and; second is confident and patiently  When I was given task to go through first type of people it is very easy for me. Feared and sensitive peoples feels me a lot more than I really exist it them. They became me so big because of thinking my pain already given or ready giving to them. All the time they think that I apperear in them in whether here or there. They even call/recalls me if I leave them to my goodness, all because of there thinking it in too much and have feared me a lot. They don’t have power to face me and accept my challenge. Even if mosquitoes bites him and I gave him frequency of 0.000000001 pain units they shouts and behave like I gave him 9.99999999 units. They even cant want to be strong and face me by strength and power. So they made my work so easy to do. My work is to give feeling of pain to pre-desire person either by hook or by crook. But , yeh I have difficulty in second type of peoples which are strong and patience.  Because of having high strength and no-fear patience they faced my challenge with “come let’s play the game” like task. They not have fear of me, instead they are confident that after got some hurled from me they will run out me from their life forever. They accept me unconditionally and neither get frustrated nor got tired of all that pain I gave to them. Even if I gave them 9.999999 pain units, they accept this with their determination. They don’t make me too large all the the thinking of me even if I were big they made me small by not giving attention to me. so because of not reminding me again and again I have disappeared from such peoples. And also while seeing their dedication and positive thinking I don’t have power to fight them any more. I go back leaving them with a condition, in terms of having not to your life in lump amount you have to daily workout for this and get in touch with me, instead I come in such a big amount and ticked to you permanently. 
Pain told he doesn't feel good to hurt others but god give him this important responsibly for the welfare of humans. God explains if anybody doesn't have the feeling of pain he cant knows the feeling of joy, if none can have the difficult and complicate period in life , they don’t be able to enjoy fullest happy and easy life; so if one have to got its fullest from life, one have to pass through such a difficult situation strongly and enjoys the taste of life.     

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